Hellooneday+哪种好 牌子同款推荐

...这是我写的:Hello everyone,my name is William.I am 14 years old.I believe I can make a good performance today.First of all ,I will tell you a joke.One day,a ... -   ::[答案] Hello everyone, my name is William. I am 14 years old. I believe I can make a good performance today. First of all ,I will tell you a joke. One day, a student ,who did poorly in study,said to her mum:" I want to be a scientist in the future. "Her mum thought ...

早安世界,美好的一天,英文怎么写 -   :: 早安世界,美好的一天.译文如下: Hello,such the amazing world. It's how incridibly beautiful day.

英语翻译今天是我在XX工作的最后一天,XX将接替我的工作.感谢大家X年来对我工作的支持与帮助. -   ::[答案] Hello,everyone,today is the last day I work in the XX,XX,will take over my job.Thanks to X years of my work support and help.

英语翻译我要写份信祝贺在美国的一个多年以前的同学~他升职总经理了信的内容如下:***你好:首先恭喜你荣升为总经理,作为老同学的我从心里为你高... -   ::[答案] Dear(对方的名字): I am very glad to learn that you have been promoted to the general manager.Congratulations to you ... Finally,I want to say that you are a good example of me.I will try my best to workhard and get promoted by my self one day. ...

我的一天英语作文小学五年 -   :: 您好!下面有5篇给你选择,要简单的话最后一篇最简单.希望您满意!My Day 英语62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333335306232作文 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And...

...live a happy life.I usually play ballgames in my spare time,and I think I'm good at basketball.My dream is to play a basketball game with my idol--Kobe one day.:)... -   ::[答案] hao Hello ,everybody.My name's ***,I'm from ***.It's really a fantacy place,people there are very friendly and helpful.There're also some places of interests in my hometown,I love it and hope that you can visite it someday.I was graduated from ** School/...

在越南回国的飞机上听到这首歌,听不清楚,女声,缓缓的,大概歌词是: one day and say hello my friend -   :: 这首歌是一个法国籍的越侨唱的,有英语版、法语版和越语版,英语版的名字是《hello vietnam》、法语版的名字是《bonjour vietnam》、越语版的名字是《Xin Chào Việt Nam》

John has a parrot.It is a nice bird.Everyday John says to it,“Hello!I can see you!” Soon the bird can say “Hello!I can see you!” One day John is at school.A ... -   ::[答案] 快速判断: 1.John is a policeman.( *) 约翰只是一个养鸟的普通人,不是警察. 2.John has some birds.( *) 约翰只有一只鹦鹉 ... A:Look!A thief.B:Bye-bye.C:Hello!I can see you! C文中说的很明白,这是约翰教给鸟的 3.One day a comes into John's ...

英语谐音翻译Hello,everyone,mynameisZhe   :: 大家好,我叫郑纡绒,今天我会告诉你一个笑话:“在古代神话中,为什么不能柳国槐这种植物成精,甚至没有生命琵琶,和萝卜白菜水果和蔬菜不能成精?”:有一天,小明问丁丁丁丁回答“誓言在早上练习,中午炖......”

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