clothingdrive哪种好 牌子同款推荐

清理垃圾文件 -   :: 30秒清除你电脑中的垃圾(使你电脑急速如飞)要轻松流畅上网你是否注意到你的电脑系统磁盘的可用空间正在一天天在减少呢?是不是像老去的猴王一样动作一天比一天迟缓呢?没错!在Windows在安装和使用过程中都会产生相当多的垃圾...

...often wears cheap clothes and just drive a small car.He helped thousands of poor children so far.He spent a large number of money on their clothing and ... -   ::[答案] Being (加上not )wealthy,Jack often wears cheap clothes and just drive(drive- drives) a small car.He(加上has) helped thousands of poor children so far.He spent a large number(number- amount) of money on their clothing and studies.Jack heard ...

帮我写一篇关于广告的英语作文. -   :: Influence of Advertising on My Life Advertising has a large influence on my life and the lives of my friends. Advertising has an influence on the cars we drive, the clothes we wear, and the food we eat. Advertising influences the cars my friends and I ...

pendrive是什么意思是优盘,还是移动硬盘 -   :: 你好,很高兴回答你的问题,优盘容量小,但体积也小,写入速度相对较慢,移动硬盘容量大,体积相对也大,写入速度快,可是不能受剧烈振动,否则资料可能丢失.

cloth 、clothes、 clothing的区别 -   ::[答案] 一、首先应区分开 cloth 与 clothes / clothing:cloth表示“布”、“衣料”,是不可数名词.如: She bought some cloth to make herself a dress.她买了些布要给自己做一件连衣裙. 表示用作某种特殊用途的布(如:桌布,台布,揩布等),是可数名词.如...

用 store 造一个句? -   :: I' d like to choose which clothing store to buy new clothing,(clothing衣服的总称.我建议改为CLOTHES衣服) I will go for a ride in the car/on the bike,(对的) I'll go out for a drive .(I will go for a drive) I'd like to know how often to eat vegetables. (...

有关英语选择题 (请帮我解释一下意思)  :: respectful:[ris'pektful] adj. 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的respective:[ris'pektiv] adj. 各自的,各个的respecting:[ris'pektiŋ] prep. 鉴于,由于respectable:[ris'pektəbl] n. 品格高尚的人 adj. 值得尊重的,人格高尚的,不少的 才一看,很晕,查了一下单词意思.应该是选A

drive在体育英语中是什么意思 -   :: Drive动词:驱动; 开车; 驾驶; 迫使; 名词:驱动器; 驱车旅行; 驱动力; 车道. 在篮球运动中指“突破”. 例句:The dribble drive motion is an offensive strategy in basketball. 翻译:运球突破战术是篮球运动中一种进攻策略. 大家对“突破”这个词很是熟悉,指在篮球运动中,一方持球,在运动中使身体摆脱对方球员的防守,从而在更接近篮筐的同时创造出利于自己投篮空间.

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