new怎么造句哪种好 牌子同款推荐

用buy,you,will,bag,for,a,mew,your,daughter造句问句 new -   ::[答案] Will you buy a new bag for your daughter? you will buy a new bag for your daughter.

怎么用NEW YORK CITY造句 -   :: New York City is the most populous city in the United States.纽约市是美国人口最多的城市.

怎么用newphew造句呢? -   :: nephew n.侄子,外甥; [英][ nefju:][美][ n fju] Surely no one fires someone who has just done their nephew a good turn?确实没人会解雇一个刚刚对他们侄子有过恩惠的人吗?

崭新咋造句 -   :: 崭新 拼音:zhǎn xīn Collegiate life was a totally new experience for her.大学生活对她来说是一种崭新的生活体验. A number of entirely new experimental and observational methods have grown to maturity.许多崭新的实验和观察方法已趋成熟...

in a brand new suit怎么英语造句 -   :: There is a new brand in a clothing store suit. 翻译:在一家服装店里面有一款最新的品牌西装.望采纳!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

new a student she ls?造句 -   :: Is she a new student?她是新学生吗?像这种造句的先找主语谓语.既然是疑问句(一般疑问句)就要找谓语.is 是谓语,然后找主语.she是主语,然后往下就简单了(a new student)

英语造句(急用!!!)  :: The new house has more space than tue oid one The new house is bigger than the oid one

新词造句 -   :: 今天,我在写字楼工作了一天.写字楼正在修理中.我租了间附近的写字楼.

我的新年很欢乐 的英文,1.这里的new year 2.欢乐是用happy还是happily?如果不是用happily,那么happily应该怎么造句? -   ::[答案] 如果要表示“元旦、新年伊始的几个星期”,就用New Year.如果单纯表示“新的一年”,就用new year.I am happy in the New Year.happy是形容词,用来修饰名词;happily是副词,用来修饰动词、形容词、副词.Dogs and littl...

new怎么读音 -   :: new 英 [nju:] 美 [nu:] adj. 新的,崭新的;新鲜的,新到的;现代的;初次(听到)的 adv. 新近,最近 That afternoon she went out and bought a new dress 那天下午她出门买了一件新裙子.

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