卡通美文哪种好 牌子同款推荐

写一篇关于动漫的文章(50字以上) -   :: 我的拙作: 为什么喜欢动漫~~~~~喜欢是一种非常奇妙的感觉~~~~~~~有时候真的不明白自己为什么会产生这种感觉~~~~~`喜欢却找不到喜欢它的理由.非常的喜欢动漫,喜欢它的一切~~~~~~可是我为什么喜欢它呢?我找不到答案~~~~~这...

介绍小动物的美文  :: I have a dog.She is not only my pet,but also my friend. She is very lovely with a beautiful face.When I feed her, ahe always wags her tail to me.Besides, she can understand me very well.When I'm happy, She feels happy too. But When I'm unhappy, ...

关于动漫的英语短文 -   :: A Geass is set as a contract between an immortal and a human who receives a unique power. It manifests in one eye, and with continued use increases in power, eventually becoming uncontrollable and spreading to both eyes. When a Geass is at ...

求一篇英语文章,有关卡通的 -   :: 一篇有关于多拉A梦的 Doraemon Doraemon is a cat-like robot from the 22nd century of the future. His favorite food is dorayaki, a sweet bean paste filled bun, and his birthday is 2112-9-3 he is also know by the name "Ding-dong". He weighs 129...

小动物的文章 -   :: 1.我和小兔子 今天,奶奶给我买了一只十分可爱的小白兔,白白的毛,红红的眼睛,它叫小宝. 我把它放在沙发上,再到阳台上拿了二片白菜叶,小白兔闻到香喷喷的白菜叶,就大口大口的吃了起来,看着小白兔吃地津津有味.我也跟着小白...

关于小动物的文章 -   :: 我家养了一只小白兔,它的耳朵又大又长,只要听见一点轻微的声音,就会“唰”地一下竖起来,灵巧地四面转动,寻找声音发出的地方,直到声音没有了,才恢复常态.它好像一团雪白雪白的云,但更像绿海上溅起的一朵活泼的浪花.我可喜...

求有关动漫的英语文章! -   :: 我最喜欢的卡通(My favourite cartoon)【内容简单,就是给演讲写的】 Hi everyone,today I will talk about my favourite cartoon .His name is Doraemon .He was born on September the third ,2112.But he got the modern world by magic machine ....

外国卡通故事 -   :: 《小飞龙》Small dragon Since about 5,000 years ago, the Atlantic Ocean on a group of world peace-loving people of the solitary island continent Atlantis, just overnight, the collapse of the entire mysteriously disappeared without a trace. At the ...

美文摘抄(300字以上)2个 -   ::[答案] 一个人如能让自己经常维持象孩子一般纯洁的心灵,用乐观的心情做事,用善良的心肠待人,不自私, 不猜忌,光明坦白,... 《儿童天地》, 以及大制片家华特.狄斯尼的卡通影片中的音乐,都流露着非常美丽多彩的、属于孩子们的幻想.我们可以 想...

美文摘抄(300字以上)2个 -   :: 一个人如能让自己经常维持象孩子一般纯洁的心灵,用乐观的心情做事,用善良的心肠待人,不自私,不猜忌,光明坦白,勇往直前,他的人生一定比别人快乐得多.“惟大英雄能本色,是真名士自风流”.一切最美好的都由于它是最真挚的....

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