难不倒我英文怎么说哪种好 牌子同款推荐

由于没有打扫卫生的检讨书,用英语!!急急急急急急急急!! -   :: Teacher, sorry.Because on the English association Christmas party in December 21, everyone is too excited.After finishing open party, the classroom all returned respectively, forgot to still need to sweep hygiene, .I am literature department minister,...

没有难不倒我的问题和没有问题难倒我是一个意思吗? -   :: 没有难不倒我的问题 翻译下:任何问题都能难倒你,任何小问题在你这里都是难题;没有问题难倒我 表示你很牛X,任何问题在你这里都不是问题

英语翻译 一个意外的发明. 被意外的发明. 在室外的火上烧水. 掉进水里. 散发出好闻的味道. 毫 -   :: 楼主这个问题还是有一定难度的,但还是难不倒我,哈哈开玩笑的.:The invention of an accident.By the invention of the accident.In outdoor fire water.Fell into the water.Exuded a smell.There is no doubt. 希望可以帮到你^_^

请高手帮我用英文翻译下面的心情日记..谢谢啊.. -   :: I thought nothing will be hard for me to achieve...finding a job is also going to be easy...I never thought it is that hard...But I believe I can persist That day was our 7th month anniversary...I hold our love dear to my heart...In these 7 months we are bliss......

我永远不会倒下奋斗奋斗奋斗的英语 -   :: 我永远不会倒下奋斗奋斗奋斗 I'll never fall down and fight 我永远不会倒下奋斗奋斗奋斗 I'll never fall down and fight

哪位英文好告诉我大卖场翻译成英文 怎么说? -   :: 购物英语口语大卖场 Shopping At An Outlet ELIZA: This place is great. I'm surprised they have so much.JANE: Yes, but it takes a while to find things.It's not organized as carefully as a regular store.ELIZA: I never shopped in an outlet before. We don't...

提供一些英语购物的日常用语(售货员和顾客) -   :: Clerk: May I help you, ma'am?Anna: Yes, thank you. I'd like to buy a blouse.Clerk: What colour are you looking for?Anna: I need something to go with a b...

初二英语上课听不懂 -   :: 请你戒骄戒躁,每天晚上平心静气地回忆老师上课的大致内容,坚持下去;在白天就认真听讲,注意:一定要百分百的注意力都放在老师身上!如果哪些语法没听懂就认真看看,或大胆问问班上成绩好的同学(建议买一本英语资料),而单词必须下功夫自己记牢,这是基础.其实你不用因此烦恼,人生总会有所挫折,只要坚定而平静地走下去,相信你会有所成就的,加油!!

谁有英语小笑话?  :: 小明:I am sorry! 老外:I am sorry too! 小明:I am sorry three! 老外:What are you sorry for? 小明:I am sorry five!

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