
  • 《这个学期我收获了什么》英语作文?
    Before going to dinner. However, I sometimes careless, obviously the formula to write, but the results are wrong. And then the English, in the final exam, I have progress. Originally, the test is not ideal, the test ninety-five points, is cannot do without the teacher let me...
  • 经过一学期学习你有那些收获写下来英语作文50词左右
    How time flies!The first half semester is over。Looking back,I have achieved much over the term.I have learned how to play football.I have made many good new friends in school.But my biggest gain is that I have improved my English a lot.I can get an A in the English exa...
  • 这一年最大的收获英语作文
    这一年最大的收获英语作文:My biggest achievement this semester is probably to get a lot of friendship, find my own good friends, and learn to make typesetting in new media, try to write official account and shoot.Although sometimes I feel overwhelmed by my homework, I can sleep ...
  • 急求一英语作文,80字左右,说这学期的收获。
    I can speak English well. I got good grade in Englis in the final exam. Besides I took the school sports meeting and got the second place in 1500 metres running. That's because I alway ran in the morning. What's more, ...
  • 帮忙写一篇英语eap作文,你在春季学期学到了什么,你在新学期的计划是什么...
    big, this term I hope next semester, my grades will improve!这学期将结束,我在这个学期学会了很多知识.交朋友要高度重视友谊,不能欺骗你的朋友.不明白的知识要询问,可以问老师和同学.不喜欢的课程,现在也开始喜欢了…总而言之,我在这学期收获很大,我希望下一个学期,我的学习成绩将会有所提高!
  • 英语作文关于本学期收获与下学期计划
    Time really flies, in the twinkling of an eye and fast to the final stage of this term.Recall the past, and came to that day Foshan University report also be visible before the eyes, no wonder people often say that the sun and the moon as the comb! To summarize all the ...
  • 英语作文:给朋友写一封信,谈谈拟这学期的学习收获,至少无句
    Dear Lily I am very glad to hear from you. I am very busy this term. I get up very early every day. After having breakfast, I go to school by bus.Class begins at half past seven. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. There are lots of ...
  • 《这个学期我收获了什么》英语作文
    is cannot do without the teacher let me to learn more, read more and write these three factors, let me remember the meaning of words and writing. Finally I in science class, the teacher's explanation, know how things formed. Electricity is opened, the negative poles; flowers an...
  • 英语作文:总结本学期的得与失
  • 谈谈你这个学期你在英语学习方面有哪些收获与体会?

  • 宗娇18467103385: 英语作文 我在这学期的英语学习收获200字数 -
    昌肢:…… The deepest memory is injured by my doll, clearly remember my doll accidentally fell into the dad just hit the Caijiao, shortly afterward I will follow into the cellar. I also remember my sister's crying, parents panic scene, but the most happy is that I get ...

    宗娇18467103385: 对一学期的总结的英语作文(初一上学期的总结,是用英语写的) -
    昌肢:…… I have a brother and a sister.I have four subjects ,they are Chinese,English,maths and politics.Of all the subjects,I like English best,so I am good at it.I like sports too.I usually play ball games and go to see the films.I like vegetalbes and fruit. 我有一个哥...

    宗娇18467103385: 我要用英语写一篇学期总结 -
    昌肢:…… realize that my score in this English test is too bad and my grade decreased a lot.Thus,I need to work hard in future.I make a plan to do the following things.I will read our textbook for longer time than before,and I will do more practice questions.If I ...

    宗娇18467103385: 英语作文,明天中午之前一定要有每个人的成长历程都不容易,但辛苦背后又有可喜的收获,请你根据下面的表格提示写一篇英语作文,总结自开学以来你在... -
    昌肢:……[答案] 新的学期开始了,我在这个学期里学到了很多东西,在学习方面,我学会了很多新的单词,我的英语口语和英语写作都有了很大幅度的提升,而且我还结交了一位美国的笔友,通过他我了解了很多美国的习俗…… 在生活方面,我已经学会了怎样才能...

    宗娇18467103385: 急需高中英语作文一篇,80词左右的,开头是How time flies The term is ending.This term题目是总结这学期的得与失,要求写出这个学期的收获与不足. -
    昌肢:……[答案] How time flies! The term is ending. This term I only learned how to BaiduYixia and Baiduzhidao. I had completed all my homework on time but I did not gain any knowledge and I just copy whole sale and ...

    宗娇18467103385: 求一篇用英语写的:我的暑假收获 -
    昌肢:…… Summertime is the besttime of the year.There is no school for monthsI get to do what I want.With no tests no homework,I'm as free as a bird.I do many things during th...

    宗娇18467103385: 用英语翻译:经过了一个学期的学期,我收获了许多.
    昌肢:…… I have achieved a lot through the sumester.

    宗娇18467103385: 谁能用英文给我写一份高一学年的个人总结?内容不限 只要是总结就可以 -
    昌肢:…… 高一总结 Senior School Grade 1 Summary 高一就这样结束了.迎来了盼望已久的暑假. My senior school time of Grade 1 is going to be ended, and the expecting summer vacation is nearby.时光飞逝,斗转星移.转眼成为高一一班一员已快一年....

    宗娇18467103385: 写一封A letter to your parents的英语信告诉父母你这个学期的收获和成长或你的烦恼和希望 -
    昌肢:……[答案] dear mom and dad,how times goes,now i am middle school student ,this term ,i got many Experience in my shool life .in my school ,i got an A in all the courses,i'm sure you will be proud of me.After sc...

    宗娇18467103385: 半学期学英语的感想?是初一的半学期英语感想! -
    昌肢:……[答案] 有两个,你选吧! 新 学 期 的 学 习 计 划 又是一个新学期了,初三也就剩下这短短百来天的光阴,也是决定命运的时刻.在这关键的时期里,我一定要认真,仔细地规划每一分钟,专心投入到每天艰苦卓绝的学习中来.曾经有一位老师对我说,“态度...


  • 本学期英语课的收获
  • 在英语课的收获和不足
  • 对英语课的收获100字
  • 学英语的收获和感受100字
  • 英语总结与收获300字
  • 小学生学期收获20字
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