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  • 贲仇18918308082: constitutional monarchy是什么意思? -
    百娣:…… monarchy [英][ˈmɒnəki][美][ˈmɑ:nərki] n.君主政体; 君主政治; 君主国; 复数:monarchies以上结果来自金山词霸 例句 But the monarchy may be in deeper trouble. 但君主制可能面临更大的麻烦.

    贲仇18918308082: constitutional status是什么意思 -
    百娣:…… constitutional status 全部释义和例句>>宪法性地位 百度翻译机翻译

    贲仇18918308082: 法统到底是什么意思? -
    百娣:…… 法统 fǎtǒng(1) [constitutional and legal tradition]∶宪法和法律的传统(2) [legal foundation of the domination]∶统治权力的法律根据

    贲仇18918308082: 谁能帮忙把“宪政”翻译成英文啊?
    百娣:…… Xianzheng Zhang ...名字都是音译的...要不然就是constitution and policy宪法和政策...你自己选吧..哈

    贲仇18918308082: constitutional monarchy是什么意思 -
    百娣:…… constitutional monarchyun.〔政〕君主立宪[网络]君主立宪制;君主立宪制度;立宪君主制

    贲仇18918308082: 宪法法院保证实施的体制起源于哪国
    百娣:…… 宪法法院(constitutional court)是为监督和保障宪法实施而设立的专门机构.1920年首创于奥地利,其后,捷克斯洛伐克和西班牙等国相继设立.它们大都以宪法或法律规定宪法法院的地位、职权、任务等,一些国家还制定有宪法法院法.第二次世界大战后,许多国家也设立了宪法法院.具有代表性的国家有法国、联邦德国、意大利等.除绝大多数国家称“宪法法院”外,少数国家,例如法国称宪法委员会,西班牙、厄瓜多尔称宪法保障法院,摩洛哥称宪法法庭,叙利亚称最高宪法法院等.

    贲仇18918308082: 美国的建成(英文版)大概两百字的有关美国的建成的介绍一定要是英
    百娣:…… The United States of America (commonly referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a ...

    贲仇18918308082: 英语回答英国和美国的政治经济制度??? -
    百娣:…… 英国政体为君主立宪制 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy: Queen Elizabeth II is head of state of the UK as well as of fifteen other Commonwealth countries, putting the UK in a personal union with those other states. The Crown has ...

    贲仇18918308082: constitutional monarchy的定义?要英文的
    百娣:…… Constitutional monarchy君主立宪制 In law, the Monarch has many supreme powers, but in practice, the real power of monarchy has been greatly reduced and today the Queen acts sole...

    贲仇18918308082: 用英语介绍德国的历史、经济、工业 不要太晦涩. -
    百娣:……[答案] 历史 Germany gained importance as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation,which was the first Reich translated as ... of Europe together for reasons of politics, defence, and economy. 政治 Germany is a constitutional federal democracy[4]. Its ...


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