

新西兰首都惠灵顿位于新西兰北岛的最南端,扼库克海峡咽喉。她三面青山环绕,一面临海,怀抱着尼科尔逊港。整个城市满目苍翠,空气清新,四季如春。惠灵顿地处断层地带,除临海有一片平地外,整个城市依山建筑。1855年一次大地震曾使港口受到严重破坏。现在的惠灵顿是1948年后重建的。人口42.4万(2001年12月)。 公元10世纪,波利尼西亚人来此定居。1840年,英国同当地毛利人族长签订条约后,大批英国移民来到这里。最初,英国人称该地为“不列颠利亚”,意思是“英国的地方”,以后逐步扩建城镇,发展到今天的规模。1815年以战胜拿破仑的英国名将惠灵顿公爵的名字为该镇命名。新西兰沦为英国殖民地后,一度把奥克兰定为首都,但新西兰南岛居民认为奥克兰远在北岛北部不宜作为首都,几经争议,终于在1865年选定了惠灵顿为首都。 惠灵顿居民中9%为毛利人,其余大部分为英国和爱尔兰移民的后裔。新西兰通用英语,毛利人讲毛利语。居民多数信奉天主教和基督教新教。惠灵顿是新西兰全国政治、工业、金融中心。惠灵顿的尼科尔逊港是仅次于奥克兰的全国第二大港,港宽5公里,长20公里,航道入口最窄处为1097米,水深为11米。港区面积达83平方公里,锚地良好,可停泊万吨巨轮。尼科尔逊港分市内码头区和市郊码头区。市内码头区建有皇后码头、国王码头、远洋旅客码头以及铁路公路轮渡码头等10多个码头;市郊码头区建有伯纳姆码头、米拉马尔码头和霍华德角码头。尼科尔逊港年货物吞吐量达700万吨。惠灵顿市内主要的交通工具是私人小汽车。市内交通方便,市内电话服务先进。 惠灵顿是太平洋著名的旅游胜地。市内保存的古建筑有1876年修建的政府大厦,它是南太平洋最宏伟的木结构建筑之一,1866年修建的雄伟的保罗大教堂,1904年修建的市政大厅。著名的战争纪念馆建于1932年,里面的钟琴上有49个吊钟,钟上镌刻着第一次世界大战时新西兰人参战战场的名称。 惠灵顿市区西南部有风景秀丽的维多利亚山,山坡上保存着1893—1906年的总理塞顿使用过的办公室。塞顿曾对新西兰政治立法有过重要影响,他使新西兰成为世界上第一个妇女有选举权的国家。维多利亚山附近是英国航海家库克的纪念碑岛,1769—1777年库克曾先后5次到达新西兰。维多利亚山北面的卡因加罗国家人造森林,占地15万公顷,绵延100多公里,是世界上最大的人造林之一。 惠灵顿动物园以其特有的珍奇动物著称,园内珍藏着新西兰国鸟“几维”鸟。这种鸟没有翅膀,没有尾巴,长长的嘴,形象奇特有趣。新西兰还有一种水果也以“几维”命名,它是本世纪初从中国南方引进的猕猴桃。这种水果经新西兰人民的精心培育和改良,已经成为新西兰最重要的出口果品,在国际市场上享有盛誉。 惠灵顿有许多火山公园,公园里的沸泉、沸泥塘、喷气孔等地热景观,吸引了大批国内外旅游者。著名的詹姆斯·库克饭店的每个房间均备有电话、冰箱、空调设备和电视。惠灵顿的一些饭店还为旅游者安排了打猎、钓鱼、水上快艇游览、直升飞机旅行、自行车越野、雕刻、吹玻璃等各种各样的体育和娱乐活动。 惠灵顿地区与新西兰其它地区一样,有一个整套完备的教育系统,包括小学、中学、职业学校、师范学院和大学。不少妇女在完成强制教育法规定的10年学习后,参加工作,结婚生育,待到自己的子女长大成人,又进入职业学校学习,因此惠灵顿市的成人教育和职业技术教育十分发达。惠灵顿拥有全国最大的图书馆──亚历山大·特恩布尔图书馆,每天可以为5000名读者提供服务。惠灵顿著名的维多利亚大学,不仅学科门类齐全,图书馆和实验设施完备,而且还拥有许多研究机构,每年都有来自五大洲的各国留学生到此学习。





Auckland, the largest coastal city in northern New Zealand, covers an area of 1086 square kilometers and has a population of 1.46 million. Auckland has many sailing boats, known as the "Sailing Capital". Oakland is the world's largest city with the largest number of sailboats, so it is also known as the "Sailing Capital".

It is the main transportation and shipping hub in the southern hemisphere, one of the largest ports in the southern hemisphere, and a world-famous international metropolis.



Located  in the northern part of New Zealand's South Island, Nielsen is the  geographical center of New Zealand, which lies far away from the capital  Wellington, across the Tasman Bay and Cook Strait to the north.

It has fertile soil, abundant fish and seafood resources, and comfortable and pleasant climatic conditions. Its namesake city, City of Nelson, is the administrative center of the region. On November 10, 1995, Nelson City entered into a friendly city with Huangshi City, Hubei Province, China.     

of Nelson,为该地区的行政中心。1995年11月10日,Nelson市与中国湖北省黄石市缔结为友好城市。


Hamilton is the name of a city in New Zealand. It is 110 kilometers southeast of Auckland. It is the largest inland city in New Zealand. Located in the middle of North Island, on both sides of the middle reaches of the Waikato River.

Hamilton is an agricultural and livestock product distribution center in the Waikato River Basin, an industrial center for meat and dairy food processing and wood processing. There is the University of Waikato.



Wellington  is the capital of New Zealand, located at the southern tip of New  Zealand's North Island, with a population of about 450,000.

It is the second largest city in New Zealand and together with Sydney  and Melbourne, it has become the cultural center of Oceania. Many artists live or work here, as well as many art cafes and lively nightlife.



Located in Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, Acarova was the first place where the French settled. So far, buildings, street names and cafes have a strong French style.

It is suggested to take the Canterbury Catamaran cruise ship to enjoy the picturesque scenery of the Hector Dolphins and the port of Acarova.


  1. 惠灵顿(Wellington)

    Wellington /ˈwɛlɪŋtən/ is the capital city and second most populous urban area of New Zealand. It is at the southwestern tip of the North Island. The city covers an area of 266.25 square kilometers and a population of 448959.




Area covers an area of 580 square kilometers, Auckland is New
Zealand's most populous region, the world's largest Polynesian settlement
center. Is the nation's largest port, port and airport, is a clean city free
from pollution, urban construction is mostly some wood bungalow.




Christchurch in New Zealand's south island on the east, also known
as "garden city", population 340000, is New Zealand's third largest city, the
largest city in New Zealand's south island. Christchurch are friendly with
China's wuhan city, there are many cultural exchange between the two cities.




Auckland is the economic, cultural, shipping and tourism center of New Zealand, the largest port city in New Zealand and one of the most developed cities in the world. Due to its developed economy, pleasant environment, high standard of life and charming scenery. So Auckland has been ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world for many years in a row. Located at 37 degrees south latitude in the south Pacific, Auckland is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.



Located  in the northern part of New Zealand's South Island, Nielsen is the  geographical center of New Zealand, which lies far away from the capital  Wellington, across the Tasman Bay and Cook Strait to the north.

It has fertile soil, abundant fish and seafood resources, and comfortable and pleasant climatic conditions. Its namesake city, City of Nelson, is the administrative center of the region. On November 10, 1995, Nelson City entered into a friendly city with Huangshi City, Hubei Province, China.     

尼尔森大区位于新西兰南岛北部,北隔塔斯曼湾和库克海峡与首都惠灵顿遥遥相望,是新西兰的地理中心。这里拥有肥沃的土壤、丰富的鱼类和海产资源,以及舒适宜人的气候条件。其同名城市,Cityof Nelson,为该地区的行政中心。1995年11月10日,Nelson市与中国湖北省黄石市缔结为友好城市。


Hamilton is the largest inland city in New Zealand. Located in the central north island, waikato river, 110 km southeast of Auckland. Population 182,000 (2005). Is the waikato river valley agricultural and livestock products distribution center, meat and milk food processing, wood processing and other industrial centers. Waikato university (founded 1964).



Wellington  is the capital of New Zealand, located at the southern tip of New  Zealand's North Island, with a population of about 450,000.

It is the second largest city in New Zealand and together with Sydney  and Melbourne, it has become the cultural center of Oceania. Many artists live or work here, as well as many art cafes and lively nightlife.



Located in Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, Acarova was the first place where the French settled. So far, buildings, street names and cafes have a strong French style.

It is suggested to take the Canterbury Catamaran cruise ship to enjoy the picturesque scenery of the Hector Dolphins and the port of Acarova.


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