cleanfit哪种好 牌子同款推荐

fit的中文意思 -   :: 词典解释 fit1 及物动词 vt. 1.(衣服)合...身;与...相称[W] This dress doesn't fit me. 这件衣服不适合我穿. 2.适合于;使适合[W][(+for)][O2] We must fit the action to the word. 我们必须言行一致. Her training fits her for the job. 她所受的训练使她能...

stylish - fit是什么意思 -   :: stylish fit 时尚配合 双语例句1 What you wear should be stylish and clean, and must definitely fit well. 你的穿着应该整洁漂亮,而且必须非常合身.

谁能帮我翻译这些英语短语并用其造句 -   :: clean up 打扫干净, 整理 Clean up your bedroom.put off 扔掉, 脱掉 Put off a sweater.脱下毛衣.set up 设立 She Set up a school last year.think up 想 We must think up a good plantake after,在...之后 Take this medicine after up 安装 Fit ...

stylish Fit这是什么意思 -   :: stylish Fit的中文翻译 stylish Fit 时尚健康

I like to live in a clean apartment,but he is very messy.Can you give me some advice?What -   :: i can give you some advice ,for example . on the one hand , you can have a conversation with him ,and tell him somthing about the importance of the surrounding, let him know it is good for your health to keep clean ,keep fit . ,on the other hand , you ...

fit和health的区别 -   :: 有身材苗条之意 keep health表示保持身体健康 keep fit暗含合理饮食以保持身材匀称的意思

keep fit 和keep healthy的区别 -   :: keep fit和keep healthy区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同. 一、词性不同 1、keep fit:keep fit是指保持身材. 2、keep healthy:keep healthy是指保持健康. 二、侧重点不同 1、keep fit:keep fit侧重于实质的身体上的健康. 2、keep healthy...

clean clear中文是什么? -   :: clean clean adj.(形容词) Free from dirt, stain, or impurities; unsoiled. 干净的:无灰尘、污迹或杂质的;未污染的 Free from foreign matter or pollution; unadulterated: 纯净的:无外来物质或污染的;不掺假的: clean air; clean drinking water. ...

clean work watch eat read wait tail go play study take have dance write come make get run swim sitshop stop 这几个词的现在分词是神马? -   ::[答案] 原型 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 clean -ing -ed -ed work -ing -ed -ed watch -ing -ed -ed eat -ing ate eaten read -ing read read wait -ing -ed -ed tail -ing -ed -ed go -ing went gone play -ing -ed -ed study -ing studied studied take taking took taken have ...

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