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彼得潘用英语怎么说? -   :: Peter Pan彼得潘 (J.M. Barrie缩写的小飞侠童话中一个不愿长大的勇敢少年.)

用英语介绍彼得潘这个人物300 - 500字只是介绍人物,不必描绘剧情. -   ::[答案] Peter pan is a small child, he never grow up.Peter Pan lives in Neverland, like a heaven, there were sweet-sounding fairies, long-hair mermaid, never grown-up kids. Peter is often forget to others, ...

小飞侠彼得潘 英语怎么说 -   :: Peter Pan, how I wish I could be just like you.

彼得.潘用英语怎么说?  :: Peter Pan

用英文写《小飞侠(Peter Pan)》的简介.300词左右 -   ::[答案] The magical Peter Pan comes to the night nursery of the Darling children,Wendy,John and Michael.He teaches them to fly,then takes them through the sky to Never-Never Land,where they find Red Indians,wolves,Mermaids and...Pirates. The leader of the...

小飞侠Peter Pan的故事 -   :: 故事介绍:某一天的夜晚,温蒂被狗叫声吵醒了.突然看见有个小男孩,原来是小飞侠的影子被小狗咬碎了,连妖精珍嘉也不知要怎么办,惊动到在旁深睡的温蒂,温蒂醒来见状只好就用针线把它缝好.小飞侠很高兴,送给她一个漂亮的钮扣,...

peter pan 是哪部电影的人物  :: 小飞侠

Peter pan的英语内容+作者简介 会中译英的也进! 追加!! -   :: There are many kids, imagine to play everyday, withour studying or growinb up. The main role Peter Pan ,in this book, was just a boy who want never to grow up. He lived in Neverland, like a heaven, there were sweet-sounding fairies, long-hair ...

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