逃生出口英语哪种好 牌子同款推荐

"逃走"英文 -   :: escape [is5keip] n.逃, 逃亡, 溢出设备, 出口, 逃跑, [植]野生 vi.逃脱, 避开, 溜走 vt.逃避, 避免, 被忘掉

escape的中文意思是? -   :: 逃离. 通常搭配from.

exlt是什么意思  :: 你写错了吧,应该是exit  是出口的意思

翻译the winning reply was:the one nearest the exit  :: 一家报社组织了一场比赛,征求一个问题的最佳答案:“如果罗浮宫失火了,而且你只能拯救一幅画,你会带出哪副画?”获胜的回答是:“离逃生出口最近的一副.”

请帮忙翻译一下 -   :: Dear Mike:First, please accept my sincerest and deepest apology, beacuse of my mistake at work, the motorcycle data you need has been delayed until now.I really hope this wouldn't affect our future cooperation. Thank you! Yours ...

用英语写篇短文: 如你所在学校教学楼不幸发生火灾,而你在教室里,你将如何安全逃生 -   :: Fires don't normally occure in our lives, but even so, we all need to be prepared for emergencies.If there is a fire when you are having class, remember to not panic. Panic causes chaos, and that eventually leads to accidents. Listen to the teacher's ...

海难如何自救 -   :: 如果乘船时遇险了,要在短时间内奔到通向甲板的最近出口,尽快跑到甲板上.首先是遇险人员间要相互鼓励,树立求生的信心,在使用救生设备,如救生艇、筏时要注意听从指挥,保持秩序,特别要强调的是树立一定能活着回去的信心至关重...

请帮忙翻译一下......... -   :: I do agree with your company on October 9 of the titles are very helplessness, as a long-term thermal hasty in your company's loyal players the game I am very angry, there is no reason Fengting account on my invested time and money and feelings ...

英语翻译1、火灾袭来时要迅速逃生,不要贪恋财物.2、家庭成员平时就要了解掌握火灾逃生的基本办法,熟悉几条逃生路线.3、受到火势威胁时,要当机立断... -   ::[答案] 1、火灾袭来时要迅速逃生,不要贪恋财物.When there is a fire,get out fast,and do not linger take possessions.2、家庭成员平时就要了解掌握火灾逃生的基本办法,熟悉几条逃生路线.Make sure that family members k...

我准备逃跑了 用英语怎么说 -   :: 我准备逃跑了 I'm ready to run away 注:run 英 [rʌn]美 [rʌn]vt. 跑; 移动; (使) 流动;n. 奔跑; 行程; 放映期; 一系列;vi. 逃跑; (工作等) 进行; 延续; 行驶;[例句]I excused myself and ran back to the telephone.我说了声抱歉,跑回到电话机旁.

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